Friday, January 1, 2010

Out with the Old......

And then there was a new decade to explore. Hello 2010.
2009 went out with a bang. In the midst of a quiet and wondrous Christmas week, we were woken in the middle of the night by a thunderous crash that shook the house to the foundation. The dog ran from the mud room for safety and assurance. Corrina paused mid-phrase in her book. And I sat bolt upright in bed. "What the hell was that???!!??" Donning my slippers and robe and propping open my eyelids on instant alert channel. The winter wind was raging as I peeked out the bathroom window. A few branches on the roof and deck. Then I went downstairs and drew the blinds on the other side of the house - a holy shit moment. My north windows were completely obscurred by TREE. Up in your face scratching at your new windows tree. OK, well that explains things, and clarifies the next course of action - to assess the damage. I'm just not that fond of dressing warmly and slipping into the winter night, but the thought of gaping roof and snow falling on our heads spurred me onward. What presented on the outside was truly amazing. A 60 foot tree had fallen smack dab into the 10 foot gap between my house and my nighbors garage, wedging itself ino all available spaces. Giving a glancing blow to both structures to be sure, but inflicting what appeared to be relatively minor damage. Punctured fascia board, crumpled gutter, some wayward shingles, and sheared siding. My biggest fear was that the tree had buried my propane tank up next to the house. Sniff, sniff, sniff. Just cold winter air blowing about 35 miles an hour. Back inside, we pondered the possibilities, and continued to check our scents. What's that? just dog gas. After a couple hours of hyper alert, and feeling confident that we were not in immediate danger, we went to bed. The reality in daylight was no less impressive. And the overwhelming response was, "How can you be so lucky???"
Now I suppose that is a matter of perspective. A tree falls in the forest, and noone is there to hear it....does it make a sound?   But a tree falling on your house in the middle of the night does make a sound - the reality of which is somewhat immediately followed by a pillow over the head sort of loud groan. A much more deflating sort of "Ooohhh, ssssshhhiiitttttt......" But to then assess the situation and feel instantly thankful, blessed, and lucky......... well, I guess that's just one of those emotional roller coaster rides of life that keep you hopping.  The roofer, tree man, neighbor, and insurance assessors confirmed the good luck in the ensuing hours. Of course it wasn't their house.......but still. Another nor'easter was on the way, so in true Maine let's get it done fashion, the chain saws fired up, truckloads of brush were hauled away, and now only a few piles of next year's firewood are stacked as a reminder of our good fortune. The snow is finally falling on the coast of Maine, and with luck.......depending on how you look at it.....we'll have some inches before the weekend is over. 
I really would like to try out my new snowshoes, and it's been really odd to have moved all this way north and to have been just about the only corner of the country that didn't have a very white Christmas this year.
So the champagne was good last night, and I managed to wake up from my nap on the couch a little before the new year rang in.
From good health, a happy tho slightly bruised home, and snowy New Year's Day, I wish each and all a truly Happy New Year.

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