Saturday, July 24, 2010

Open Windows

There is a well-known Andrew Wyeth painting - Wind from the Sea - of a lace curtain blowing in an old house window. For anyone who has spent a summer in Maine, it is one of those essence of place images. Like the fields of Lupine, or harbors filled with sailboats, or rock beaches.....except very up front and personal. Scent and sensation added to the visual dimensions.
When I moved to Maine, I was lucky to find several lace curtains, and I bought them all. My two bedroom windows face east to the sunrise - and to the North Atlantic. They have been open and bringing me sea breezes for a good two months straight now. Although I have metalaise currents over them at night, I delight each morning in opening them to peak through the lace and over the rooftops at the sunrise. And watching them flutter in the sea breezes.
As I watch the temperatures soar in most parts of the country, including triple digits again today in Virginia as a new renter moves into my house there, I am so greatful to be living here. I can breathe. I can think. I can sit on my deck or in my yard to read or daydream. I can stroll to the harbor and sit on a bench and be lifted like my lace curtains by the breezes coming off of the great Penobscot Bay. Life is good.