Sunday, July 19, 2009


For decades, Maine's state motto, and license plate subtitle, has been "vacationland." Some years back, I think they changed at least the motto to "Maine - the way life should be." I now have the license plate fixed on my car, and the other -the way life should be- has been rattling around in my head for the last couple years. Now that I'm actually here, I'm mulling often about what it is that defines Maine.

With the exception of a short 6 month stay in 1976 - when I was in my young "seasonal drifter" phase - Maine has always been vacationland for me. I don't know how many trips over the last 33 years I've made to visit family, friends, and this unique place and quality of life. But now, on the other side of the residency line, perceptions start to shift. In the peak of summer and tourist season, I too glory in the incredible days when they happen, but resent a little when they fall on a workday. My work of course takes me out and into this beautiful county, and into the rural and village homes of the little people I work with, so it's not totally like being left out. But it is of course different than wandering aimlessly over beaches or floating in the lakes and harbors tracking loons, waves, or white sails across the horizon. I've thankfully had several visitors this past month, most of whom were experiencing Maine for the first time, and wallowing in the wonders of Maine "vacationland." I've heard words and phrases like "Eden," "amazing," etc.

It's a little hard to descirbe what it feels like from the 'inside' looking out. Summer does have it's blissful moments, and it's great to share them with folks who head up Route 1 to see what all the fuss is about - and are lucky enough to grab one or a few of the peak summer days here. The local fish market has a phrase - "Summer people, some are not." You get really possessive about the magic that is summer in Maine, and just a little resentful I guess, about those who come and take it in while you might be working..... Vacationland takes on a differenet ring if you're the one working when others are vacationing. But underneath, you know that you get all of the days....good, bad, foggy, rainy, sunny, white light and impenetrable gray. You get lobster whenever you want, ruggedly independent neighbors, and more lakes, streams, mountains, and oceanfront than you can navigate in a lifetime.
The summer is one unending festival. Blues Festival, Lobster Festival, Boats homes & Harbors festival, country fairs, boat races of all dimensions. The tourists come, wallow, wonder, and leave again. Maine vacationland. It's a great place to live, share, and presumably, just be after it all moves to another dimension. I've not yet made it past the first season. Yet somehow, I'm wishing I had chosen one of the other license plates. Save the children, whales, working water front, loons, lobsters........... or just plain 'the way life should be.' Now that it's home, and I'm a residential working stiff.....anything, but "vacationland."

PS I AM grateful to all of you that have come to visit!! (and supported the local economy!!!....:) and as they say in the south.....Y'all come back now!

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